
Partir en mission

Partir à court ou long terme à l'étranger, rejoindre notre équipe, ou participer aux actions d'évangélisation en France, tout est ici :

Crowd of children


Has the Lord placed a burden on your heart to support a French church in its evangelistic outreach? Several churches in the same town? A region that is a real spiritual desert? Be part of an international team and experience a powerful adventure of faith. OM has 10 possible options on offer each year.

Explore Opportunities


Is your burden to commit yourself to the work in France, among Muslims, by teaching French to the immigrant community, by witnessing to female victims of human trafficking? Do you have skills in the field of administration, computer skills, or in communication? We’d be more than happy to have you on board!

Explore Opportunities
young people perform in the street


A day set aside by the church to train and then go out into the streets to share the good news. Two possibilities: The LOCAL evangelism day, the NATIONAL evangelism day. Contact us for more information.

Learn more

Semaines d'évangélisation en France

formation explore

La Formation "Explore..."

Trouve la mission que Dieu a pour toi ( 3 mois de formation avec OM France)

En savoir plus
responsable du personnel

postes à pourvoir à OM France

Trouvez ici nos postes à pourvoir en France



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